Master Aerospace Systems - Navigation and Telecommunications
Résumé de la formation
- Type de diplôme: Master (LMD)
- Domaine: Sciences, Technologies, Santé
- Mention: Aéronautique et espace
The Master of Science in GNSS, Global Navigation Satellite System, defines a satellite-based system that allows autonomous positioning and navigation of a suitably equipped user everywhere and at all times.
The Master of Science (MSc) in GNSS is a 2-year programme offering advanced education in Satellite-based Positioning and Space Telecommunications.
It aims at training students for the steadily growing GNSS industry.
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs) have gained a lot of worldwide attention due to a significant increase in applications using GPS for positioning and navigation (aeronautics, vehicular and pedestrian navigation, location-based services, etc).
This international enthusiasm is confirmed by the worldwide development of other global and regional satellite-based navigation systems in Europe, the USA, China, Russia, India and Japan, creating a strong need for experts in this field.
The objective of this MSc in GNSS is to provide students with advanced skills and knowledge in the field of GNSS and its related applications, in order to prepare them to enter the highly dynamic GNSS and GNSS-dependent industry. In addition, the students will have a grounding in telecommunications, as both fields are strongly complementary.
Les + de la formation
An International Cooperation
The Master AS-NAT was developed with the support of the European Commission and the European GNSS Agency, GSA (7th Framework Program under grant agreement nbr. 248016).
It has been achieved in partnership with the Institute of Space Technology and Space Applications of the Universität der Bundeswehr München (Germany) and Politecnico di Torino (Torino, Italy), both recognized for their leading international roles in education and research in the GNSS field. These two universities also contribute to the MSc teaching and provide their international links with the GNSS industry.The MSc has also received the industrial support of Thales Alenia Space (France), Airbus (France), GMV (Spain), ISMB (Italy); as well as the institutional support of the UN.
Please, click here to access to the "Fiche RNCP" (Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles).
Organisation de la formation
- Année 1 (60 crédits ECTS)
- Semestre 7 (30 crédits ECTS)
- Fundamentals of Mathematics (10 crédits ECTS)
- Fundamentals of Signal Processing and Electromagnetics (11 crédits ECTS)
- GNSS 1 (7 crédits ECTS)
- Language and Human Science 1 (2 crédits ECTS)
- Semestre 8 (30 crédits ECTS)
- Intermediate Electromagnetism and Surveillance (3 crédits ECTS)
- Advanced Signal Processing 1 (8 crédits ECTS)
- GNSS 2 (9 crédits ECTS)
- Applied Project 2 (8 crédits ECTS)
- Language and Human Science 2 (2 crédits ECTS)
- Semestre 7 (30 crédits ECTS)
- Année 2 (60 crédits ECTS)
- Semestre 9 (30 crédits ECTS)
- Advanced signal processing 2 (6 crédits ECTS)
- Telecommunications 2 (8 crédits ECTS)
- GNSS 3 (6 crédits ECTS)
- Applied project 3 (7 crédits ECTS)
- Language and Human Science 3 (3 crédits ECTS)
- Semestre 10 (30 crédits ECTS)
- Semestre 9 (30 crédits ECTS)
Et après
Insertion professionnelle
Career opportunities :
Recent studies have shown that there will be a lack of graduate students to fill the open positions in the GNSS industry in the near future. This MSc in GNSS provides students with a head start in the evolving and growing market of satellite-based navigation and telecommunications.
Hence, graduate students can join:
• large companies,
• SMEs,
• national institutions,
• research laboratories.
Lieu(x) de la formation
- Toulouse
Responsable du recrutement
Plus d'infos
Niveau d'étude
BAC +5
Public concerné
- Formation initiale
Nature de la formation