EC6006E - Airport strategy

EC6006E - Airport strategy


Objectif général :

After completing this module, the student will be able to :
• Identify the key success factors for an airport
• Acquire the methodology for the implementation of a strategic approach
• Criticize the strategy of an airport

Objectifs détaillés :

After completing this module, the student will be able to :
- explain what an airport strategy is
- explain how airport strategy are driven by the competition, the regulations, the evolution of the market and the relations with customers and local communities
- evaluate the financial impact of your strategic choices
- explain what are the key drivers to develop passenger and cargo traffics and to compare the specificities of both traffic types.
- describe the strategic role of an airport CEO
- analyse the impact of airport coordination on airport strategic development
- compare the strategies of the main French airport operator groups

Place dans le cursus

A positionner en fin de cursus académique

Volume horaire (h)

  • Cours Magistraux : 53.5h


Nombre total d'heures d’évaluation : 3

En bref

Crédits ECTS : Cf UE

Nombre d'heures 63.5


Vincent VIMARD

Tél :

Email : vincent.vimard @


  • Toulouse