EA6010E - Sustainable Development of air transport
General objective:
After completing this module, the student will be able to :
- present the basic concepts of sustainable development and CSR,
- present the scientific knowledge and uncertainties about the impact of air transport on the environment and particularly on the climate,
- present the regulatory framework applicable today, the commitments made by the air transport industry, the practices of air transport companies and future prospects (technological, operational, etc.)
... to mitigate the impact of air transport activities on the environment (locally and globally, including the contribution to the climate change) and to promote a sustainable development (including the decarbonisation) of the air transport sector, in the World, in Europe and in Francewith a special focuse on airlines and airport operators.
Detailed objectives:
- Explain the concept of sustainable development (SD) and the contribution of air transport to the social and economic aspects of SD
- Explain SD policies and practices from the point of view of an air transport company
- List the impacts of air transport on the environment (CO2 emissions, noise pollution, biodiversity, local air quality, etc.) and on climate change (CO2 and non-CO2 effects).
- Describe at each decision-making level (World, EU, France) the organisations, concepts, commitments and practices of stakeholders in relation to SD.
- Name the 4 families of levers from the ICAO approach (technological improvements, operational improvements, SAF, market measures) and the levers for decarbonising TA.
- For airports in particular, define the concept of the Balanced Approach to Noise and explain the Airport Carbon Accreditation process
- Understand the political, social and societal issues at stake, and discuss sobriety, quotas and social acceptance.
- Practise debating contradictory issues linked to the development of air transport and its impact on the environment
- Lecture : 21.75h
- Labs work : 0.25h
Form of assessment
Total assessment hours: 0.5
In brief
ECTS credits : cf Teaching Unit
Number of hours 24
- Toulouse