OP6007E - Air Transport Market and Airline Distribution

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OP6007E - Air Transport Market and Airline Distribution


General objective:

After completing this module, the student will be able to :
- Understand the main airline commercial distribution characteristics, have a clear picture on the different functions and interconnections amongst the trade actors, a basic knowledge on the main distribution and payment tools used for airline ticket distribution and freight agents.

Detailed objectives:

After completing this module, the student will be able to :
- identify the expectations of the final customers of airlines and retail actors, on passenger and freight segments
- understand and compare the commercial strategy and tools of legacy, low cost and charter airlines
- understand the vocabulary related to the different airline ticket booking, sale and payment concepts, tools and involved organizations
- analyze the commercial potential of an airline route and competition offers on the different passengers segments
- identify the partnerships to develop in the distribution trade in regards of route potential and commercial targets
- participate to a new or existing route commercial development within an airline
6 to 7 experienced professional lecturers from companies of different trade segments are involved, to provide a transversal approach of such questions:
- Airline commercial function in passenger legacy carrier / low cost carrier / cargo division and/or cargo airline / charter airline
- Tour operating / physical travel agency / online travel agency / general sales agent
- Global distribution system

In brief

ECTS credits : cf Teaching Unit


Charlie RUSTIN

Phone :

Email : charlie.rustin @ enac.fr


  • Toulouse