RG6010E - Changes to type Certificates

RG6010E - Changes to type Certificates


General objective:

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to describe the different aspects of the aircraft maintenance from the design to the aircraft operation and to the end of its life in the in the air transport context

Detailed objectives:

Upon completion of this course, the student shall be able to:
- Describe how post TC activities help maintain aircraft safety
- Describe the classification of post TC changes, and explain their impact on their approval
- Describe the EASA Change Product Rule (CPR) process
- Describe the STC (Supplemental Type Certificate) process
- Identify on a study case ("leading theme" project, in semi-autonomy) the stakeholders involved in the approval of a post TC change, and describe the related procedures.


  • Lecture : 6h
  • Supervised Practical Work : 10h
  • Labs work : 4h

Form of assessment

Total assessment hours: 3

In brief

ECTS credits : cf Teaching Unit

Number of hours 23


Jean-François PETIT

Phone : 05 62 17 45 35

Email : jean-francois.petit @ enac.fr


  • Toulouse