EC4001 - Economics of ATM

EC4001 - Economics of ATM


General objective:

Master all the tools, the concepts and the models such as market regulation (natural monopoly), ATC department pricing during externalities, problems of congestion, or network economy.

Detailed objectives:

1 - Characterize a market, formalize a market and identify an economic problem. Describe how work a market.
2 - Master all the economic behavior concepts as:
-Supply and demand effects
-The economic balance
-The economic elasticity
-The economic balance modifications
3 - Characterize economics specificities of air transport and then of ATM
4 - Identify economics models adapted of this specificities
5 - Analyze ATM problems with this tools.


  • Lecture : 40h

In brief

ECTS credits : cf Teaching Unit

Number of hours 40



  • Toulouse