LV5001E - English

LV5001E - English


General objective:

With different modules :
- provide students with an in depth look at another culture with the aim of thinking, understanding and broadening their knowledge
- also encourage them to think about and be fully aware of specific aspects from a specific culture.
- emphasize the importance of cultural differences when being an engineer working internationally.

Detailed objectives:

Oral expression and interaction
Be able to brainstorm debate in English with other students about any issue and justify their point of view in clear and correct English. Perform role plays, games. Review good practices for public speaking (PSI, body language) in order to make a high quality oral presentation using computer tools and develop their communication skills: fluency, spontaneity and interaction.

Oral comprehension and interaction
Improve comprehension of different native and non native English accents as well as various registers of speech.
Watch documentaries, films, talks, TV programs.
Listen to lectures, radio programs, interviews

Written expression
Reformulate, summarize events from an audio, video source.
Write a report, an essay, an article, a review, a film synopsis, a text analysis
Practice and review written tips : accuracy of grammar, appropriateness of style and richness of vocabulary

Written comprehension
Read articles, essays, texts, extracts or excerpts from books, novels, plays, short stories,

Expand on cultural awareness and look at the impact of cultural differences.

In brief

ECTS credits : cf Teaching Unit



  • Toulouse