EA402E - Airport design
General objective:
At the end of the course, the student shall be able to:
- specify all component of an airport system,
-describe its functioning and the relations between the different components.
Detailed objectives:
At the end of the course, the student shall be able to:
A) Identify and describe all the components of an airport system, the interactions between these
components, and their protections.
B) Explain the safety objectives of the different components of a movement area.
C) Assess the compliance to international standards of each airport infrastructure item.
D) Plan and to set the design criteria for airport infrastructures and buildings.
E) Organise a Master Plan.
F) Propose how to modify an airport to accomodate a new aircraft type.
- Lecture : 22h
Form of assessment
Total assessment hours: 2
In brief
ECTS credits : cf Teaching Unit
Number of hours 24
- Toulouse