MT401E - Meteorology

MT401E - Meteorology


General objective:

Upon completion of this course, the student shall be able :

- To recognize the importance of the atmospheric environment for the aeronautics
- To describe the usual atmospheric parameters of the atmosphere
- To explain the most general atmospheric mechanisms

Detailed objectives:

- To describe the main characteristic of the atmosphere: definition, characteristic and parameters, observations and measurement, analysis and forecast, different meteorological scales.
- To explain energy exchanges: radiations (satellite application), convection, water cycle, global and local energy balance, meteorological equator, vertical and horizontal motions induced by heating.
- To describe the mains parameters in detail (temperature, pressure, humidity and wind) : definition, measurement, spatial and temporal variations, graphical representation.
- To describe clouds and precipitations: classification, physical constitution, formation.
- To describe the general circulation: explanation and study of the seasonal distribution of the main winds around the globe (trade winds, monsoons, mid latitude westerly circulation…).
- To describe mid latitude disturbances: basic study, frontology and weather patterns over western Europe.
- To understand a meteorological situation by the reading of surface and altitude analysis charts as well as satellite and radar imagery.


  • Lecture : 20h

Form of assessment

Total assessment hours: 1

In brief

ECTS credits : cf Teaching Unit

Number of hours 21


Maxime PEREZ

Phone : 05 62 17 43 81

Email : maxime.perez @


  • Toulouse