AT4607E - Management of Airspace

AT4607E - Management of Airspace


General objective:

SWIM course: appreciate the necessity of information sharing in a traffic growth context
define what SWIM concept is
list the SWIM components

PBN: Understand the aRNAVigation and more generally Performance Based Navigation vs Conventional Navigation

PMS: Understand this new sequencing method called Point Merge System in TMA or extended-TMA

CDO and Good Atm Sustainability Practices : explain how ANSP services contribute to the environmental performance of Air Transport and give examples of mitigation operational procedures

Detailed objectives:

SWIM course: appreciate the needs for SWIM in various R&D master plans, and in the ICAO GANP
define SWIM concept
list some SWIM key concepts
describe SWIM core components
describe SWIM GIF and its interest regarding interoperability

-Explain RNAV vs Conventional Navigation
-Explain Sensors notion
-Explain GNSS sensor
-Describe PBN Concept

Describe thanks to example this new sequencing system

- characterize the sources of environmental performance
- list mitigation action and appreciate those where ANSP must take the lead
- explain the importance of adaptation to climate change


  • Lecture : 11h

Form of assessment

Total assessment hours: 1

In brief

ECTS credits : cf Teaching Unit

Number of hours 12



  • Toulouse