AT5601E - ATC Systems

AT5601E - ATC Systems


General objective:

At the end of this course, the student will be able to
- describe the systems that help air traffic controller to manage the traffic, especially surveillance and flight data processing
- state the role of the main systems involved in flight data and surveillance processing
- explain the flow of information between those systems
- explain how new generation systems will be able to improve ATM efficiency and safety
- tell what a remote tower is, and what are the associated concepts, human factors, and systems

Detailed objectives:

Module "Introduction to ATC systems" (3h)
- Define the environment where ATC systems are operated (Taxonomy 1)
- List the main stakeholders (providing or consuming ATC services) and the main interactions in between (Taxonomy 1)
- Describe the ATC systems core functionalities and interfaces (Taxonomy 2)
- Characterise the human roles involved in ATC systems (Controller, ATSEP,...) as regards their activities (Taxonomy 2)

Module “radar and flight data processing” (10h)
Part 1 : Describe the ATC surveillance sensors (2h)
Describe the characteristics of current surveillance sensors (PSR, SSR, Mode S, ADS-B, ADS-C, MLAT)
Part 2 : SDPS and safety nets (2h)
Explain tracking, correlation, and radar display
Part 3 : FDPS (2h)
Describe flight plan processing and automated coordination
Part 4 : HMI and advanced tools (2h)
Describe the categories of ATC HMI and their differences.
Explain how tools can improve the efficiency of controllers
Part 5 : Operational aspects (2h)
Explain how controllers use these systems


  • Lecture : 11h

Form of assessment

Total assessment hours: 2

In brief

ECTS credits : cf Teaching Unit

Number of hours 13



  • Toulouse