CS4600E - System engineering introduction
General objective:
At the end of this course, students will have basics on system engineering of complex systems including:
definition of basis notions, historic, pursued objectives, life cycle of complex systems and proceses defined by system engineering.
Some specific processes will be highlighted : so called “Technical processes", Safety assurance process and Security.
Detailed objectives:
- to be able to define complex systems
- to be able to explain and justify system engineering objectives
- to be able to explain system engineering approach
- to be able to list and explain objective of all system engineering processes (as introduced by 15288 ISO norm)
- to be able to explain and justify system safety assurance
- to be able to lead general safety analysis
- to be able to plan safety assurance case
- to be able to explain and justify system secutity
Position in the programme
This module is introductive. It must be performed before all other system engineering, safety and security modules.
- Lecture : 12h
In brief
ECTS credits : cf Teaching Unit
Number of hours 12
- Toulouse