NA5020E - Future GNSS Signals
Objectif général :
The objective of this class is to present the different frequency plans used by the future GNSSs (GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, COMPASS and augmentations) and to get familiar with the new modulations used by these systems (compared to the first generation of signals used by GPS) as well as with their impact on the receiver signal processing and receiver performance.
Objectifs détaillés :
1. Presentation of the frequency plan of GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, COMPASS and their augmentations
2. Use of a data-less or pilot channel (definition, processing, impact on the reference performance)
3. Use of the Binary Offset Carrier (BOC) modulation and its derivatives (CBOC, TMBOC, ALTBOC) (definition, processing, impact on the receiver performance)
4. Use of a secondary code (definition, processing and impact on the receiver performance)
5. Presentation of the structure of future GPS and Galileo navigation message (information carried, structure, coding, impact on the receiver performance)
Place dans le cursus
Cours de la majeure SAT, ayant de préférence suivi l'approfondissement Signal et navigation.
Volume horaire (h)
- Cours Magistraux : 4h
En bref
Crédits ECTS : Cf UE
Nombre d'heures 4
- Toulouse