NA5022E - Alternative Positioning

NA5022E - Alternative Positioning


Objectif général :

A l'issue de ce cours, l'élève :
- Connaitra le principe de positionnement à l'aide de senseurs dits de "vision"
- Connaitra les techniques de positionnement alternatif utilisé à l’heure actuelle dans les smartphones et les tablettes pour se positionner à l’intérieur des bâtiments

Objectifs détaillés :


The objective of the course is to acquire basic knowledge on localisation solutions that rely on the exteroceptive sensors of a vehicle, be it terrestrial, aerial or maritime. The main considered sensor is vision, monocular, panoramic or stereoscopic, but use cases based on Lidar sensors will also be presented.

Signals of opportunity:

This course is aiming at providing an overview of the positioning techniques that are used in smartphones and tablets, and the challenges linked to indoor positioning. While GNSS is widely used in outdoor environments, alternate positioning techniques have to be used when entering in a building. These techniques may use different signals (e.g. mobile telephony, WiFi, Bluetooth) and different measurements (e.g. time of arrival, angle of arrival, signal strength) and also different positioning techniques (e.g. fingerprinting, particle filters, probabilistic graph models). The lectures will be completed by a hands-on lab session, where the students will collect and manipulate real life WiFi measurements to experiment with the principles of WiFi positioning.

Place dans le cursus

Cours de la majeure SAT, ayant de préférence suivi l'approfondissement Signal et navigation.

En bref

Crédits ECTS : Cf UE


Antoine DROUIN

Tél : +33 5 62 17 43 89

Email : antoine.drouin @


  • Toulouse