RG4014 - Réglementation technique du Transport Aérien (RTTA) et certification avion

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RG4014 - Réglementation technique du Transport Aérien (RTTA) et certification avion


Objectif général :

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to present the aircraft safety oversight system through the applicable technical regulations

Objectifs détaillés :

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- define the safety objectives and describe the regulatory means to achieve and maintain this minimum level of safety
- for each domain of the Air Transport Regulations (airworthiness, operations, licenses), list the applicable regulations (ICAO standards, EASA regulations) and explain the main principles addressed by these regulations

Place dans le cursus


En bref

Crédits ECTS : Cf UE


Jean-François PETIT

Tél : 05 62 17 45 35

Email : jean-francois.petit @ enac.fr


  • Toulouse