SV4010E - Surveillance Principles

SV4010E - Surveillance Principles


Objectif général :

The course presents the sensors involved in surveillance : primary radar, secondary radar (MSSR & Mode S), ADS-B, multilateration.
After completing this course, the student will be able to describe and explain the working principles of the sensors mentioned above.

Objectifs détaillés :

After completing this course, the student will be able to:
- describe and explain the surveillance chain architecture for ground and air surveillance
- describe the architecture of surveillance sensors
- explain the working principles of surveillance sensors
- compare those sensors in terms of performance and capacities
- calculate a parameter involved in the link budget equation

Place dans le cursus

Antennes et Propagation pour le GNSS

Volume horaire (h)

  • Cours Magistraux : 14h
  • Travaux Dirigés : 4h


Nombre total d'heures d’évaluation : 2

En bref

Crédits ECTS : Cf UE

Nombre d'heures 20


Christian DENISET

Tél :

Email : christian.deniset @


  • Toulouse