EA403E - Airport management
Objectif général :
At the end of the course the students will be able to describe the main challenges to operate airports.
Objectifs détaillés :
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
- Explain the role of an airport authority and the responsabilty of an Air Navigation Service Provider on an airport.
-Describe the economic and strategic issues of airport management.
- Identify the main safety challenge on an airport and desribe the principles of a Safety Management System.
- Apply the operational safety principles on a movement area.
-Describe the ground handling assistance procedures.
- Describe the main drivers of the quality of service in airports.
Volume horaire (h)
- Cours Magistraux : 21h
- Travaux Dirigés : 4h
Nombre total d'heures d’évaluation : 2
En bref
Crédits ECTS : Cf UE
Nombre d'heures 27
- Toulouse