IP520E - Programming language and databases

IP520E - Programming language and databases


Objectif général :

Part 1 - Programming language : Create, use and modify some simple programs using basic algorithms, in order to solve engineering problems involving data processing
Part 2 - Databases :
1 - Design of Relational Databases,
2 - Write SQL queries, in order to create MySQL databases, and to select/modify data.
3 - Develop Python programs, that establish connection to a target MySQL Database.

Objectifs détaillés :

Part 1 - Programming language
- Write and run simple python programs on a computer
- Describe and control the execution flow of a program
- Use conditional and iterative statements to implement a given algorithm
- Use and create some modules in a program
- Differentiate basic and composite python data structures and elaborate algorithms to handle them
- Read and process some data files in a python program

Part 2 - Databases
1 - The students should be able to design relational databases
- Model UML class diagrams,
- Map UML Class Diagrams into Relational Schema
- Check if the relational schema is normalized to the third normal form.

2 - The students should be able to write (express) SQL queries :
- Create a MySQL databases
- Write select queries,
- Create and delete tables,
- Insert/modify/delete records (data),
- Use mathematical functions,
- Create views (virtual tables).

3 - The students should be able to develop Python programs, that establish connection to a MySQL Database :
- Connect to a target MySQL database,
- launch SQL queries.

Volume horaire (h)

  • Cours Magistraux : 28h
  • Travaux Dirigés : 8h


Nombre total d'heures d’évaluation : 4

En bref

Crédits ECTS : Cf UE

Nombre d'heures 40


Jean-Baptiste GOTTELAND

Tél : +33 5 62 25 95 84

Email : jean-baptiste.gotteland @ enac.fr


  • Toulouse