CS4600E - System engineering introduction

CS4600E - System engineering introduction


Objectif général :

At the end of this course, students will have basics on system engineering of complex systems including:
definition of basis notions, historic, pursued objectives, life cycle of complex systems and proceses defined by system engineering.

Some specific processes will be highlighted : so called “Technical processes", Safety assurance process and Security.

Objectifs détaillés :

- to be able to define complex systems
- to be able to explain and justify system engineering objectives
- to be able to explain system engineering approach
- to be able to list and explain objective of all system engineering processes (as introduced by 15288 ISO norm)

- to be able to explain and justify system safety assurance

- to be able to explain and justify system secutity

Place dans le cursus

This module is introductive. It must be performed before all other system engineering, safety and security modules.

Volume horaire (h)

  • Cours Magistraux : 12h

En bref

Crédits ECTS : Cf UE

Nombre d'heures 12


Ladislas HAJNAL


  • Toulouse