IP4602E - Python Programming

IP4602E - Python Programming


Objectif général :

Create, use and modify simple programs using basic algorithms, in order to solve engineering problems involving data processing

Objectifs détaillés :

- Write and run simple python programs
- Describe and control the execution flow of a program
- Use conditional and iterative statements to implement a given algorithm with appropriate data structures
- Organize a program into separate and relevant modules
- Differentiate basic and composite python data structures and elaborate algorithms to handle them
- Read and process some data files in a python program

Volume horaire (h)

  • Travaux Dirigés : 30h

En bref

Crédits ECTS : Cf UE

Nombre d'heures 30


Jean-Baptiste GOTTELAND

Tél : +33 5 62 25 95 84

Email : jean-baptiste.gotteland @ enac.fr


  • Toulouse