TX4900E - Project "Ice breaking"

TX4900E - Project "Ice breaking"


Objectif général :

have a successfull first contact with ENAC, with other students of the master, and with the general problematic of engineering complex systems.
Concreatly, the session consists in the realization of a small project involving the use of "easy to use" prototyping platforms (for example makeblock).
Students are organized in small teams.

Objectifs détaillés :

• “Break the ice”
o Allow students to learn more about each other.
o Allow students to learn more about the master: organization, key points, learning objectives, global planning, …
o Allow students to learn more about ENAC: organization, key people and services, …

• Highlight some problematics related to system engineering and project management: need to define the goal of the system before the system itself, need to organize the project, etc…

• Have a first contact with aeronautical system & technologies

Volume horaire (h)

  • Cours Magistraux : 4h
  • Travaux Pratiques : 28h

En bref

Crédits ECTS : Cf UE

Nombre d'heures 32


Daniel PRUN

Tél :

Email : daniel.prun @ enac.fr


  • Toulouse