EA6010E - Sustainable Development of air transport

EA6010E - Sustainable Development of air transport


Objectif général :

After completing this module, the student will be able to :
- Present how an enterprise could define its strategy on Corporate Social Responsibility and on Sustainable development
- Understand various incidences affecting environment, aircraft design, airspace design and operation (flight and ground).
- Have a good vision of regulation in place and the regulation in preparation ( global and/or local)
- How to decrease industry pollutions and how to master nuisances.

Objectifs détaillés :

After completing this module, the student will be able to :
- Define a strategy on CSR and sustainable development: definition of stakeholders chart, ethic principle, governance, internal and external communication, extra financial reporting, NGO and notation agencies roles...
- Get an overview on the international standards ISO 14001 and 26000.
- Know the different international bodies involved in sustainable development for aviation, including bodies in charge of regulation.
- Get a good acknowledge on the different sources of pollution and nuisance due to air transport industry.
- On the climate change : part of aviation on the global warming, IATA 4 pillar strategy, carbon market, present state of the ICAO negotiation on the climate change, biofuel for aviation.
- On noise in the airport vicinity: definition of the balanced approach.
- On the air quality due to the local traffic and ground operation.
- On waste and end of life of the aircraft.
- Know the different regulations in place related to the nuisance reduction (ICAO annex 16, local laws) and existing taxes, REACH regulation on the use of dangerous products.
- Get a good knowledge on the solutions in place to reduce the nuisances: Aircraft and engine manufacturer contribution, Airport contribution, Airlines contribution and Air navigation service provider contribution.
- Be informed on the new technologies in development and on the research to reduce the environmental footprint including the biofuel development.
- Be able to balance in his future professional life the different aspects between economy, people and environment in order to insure a sustainable development of the air transport industry.
- As the lecturers comes from various part of Air Transport industry ( Aircraft and engine manufacturer, airlines association, airport, ANSP) and from different countries (UK, Belgium, Switzerland , France...), the students will be able to have a huge information from different and multiple stakeholders with various visions.

Volume horaire (h)

  • Cours Magistraux : 21.75h
  • Travaux Pratiques : 0.25h


Nombre total d'heures d’évaluation : 0.5

En bref

Crédits ECTS : Cf UE

Nombre d'heures 24


Charlie RUSTIN

Tél :

Email : charlie.rustin @ enac.fr


  • Toulouse