SV6002E - In-service Occurrence Management
Objectif général :
Upon completion of this course, the student shall be able to explain the basic principles used to take in-service occurences into account at the level of the aircraft/fleet safety, and to apply the related procedures on real cases.
Objectifs détaillés :
Upon completion of this course, the student shall be able to:
- Quote the EASA regulatory requirements for continued airworthiness
- Quote and describe the continued airworthiness process (manufacturer and Authorities)
- Define what an unasafe condition is, and identify it on selected examples of in-service events
- Quote the different corrective actions for an Unsafe Condition in order to restore the aircarft or fleet safety level, and explain in particular the AD (Airworthiness Directive) process
- Apply these principles on a study case ("leading theme" project, in semi-autonomy).
Volume horaire (h)
- Cours Magistraux : 8h
- Travaux Dirigés : 8h
- Travaux Pratiques : 4h
Nombre total d'heures d’évaluation : 3
En bref
Crédits ECTS : Cf UE
Nombre d'heures 23
- Toulouse