SA6003E - AO-Safety Management

SA6003E - AO-Safety Management


General objective:

This course will provide applicant with solid foundation in basis Safety Management System concepts and will support initial implementation of SMS throughout its Airline.
After completing this module, the student will be able to work in teams on SMS development, implementation, assessment and maintaining for an Aircraft Operator.

Detailed objectives:

After completing this module, the student will be able to:
• Contribute to elaborate the Safety policy and objectives by implementing a safety organisation adapted to the size of the airline for normal and abnormal (ERP : Emergency Rescue Plan) operations and the associated documents. The management of suppliers and other stakeholders (inside and outside the airline) should be a key factor
• Manage the risk through a comprehensive hazard identification including reactive, proactive and predictive methods and assess the safety risk according to the aircraft operator’s activities
• Assess the SMS and measure the safety performance and oversee the continuous enhancement of the SMS through a set of indicators, safety audit, safety investigation and related actions plan. The management of the safety risks that may be raised from changes are part of this assessment
• Enhance the airline safety by promoting the safety culture amongst ground and flight personal and develop tools for safety related to training, communication and dissemination


  • Lecture : 60h

In brief

ECTS credits : cf Teaching Unit

Number of hours 60



  • Toulouse