SA6006E - Airport Certification and Safety

SA6006E - Airport Certification and Safety


Objectif général :

AM07- A: Airport Certification and safety – Aerodrome Manual
Learn how to develop and maintain your aerodrome manual and its associated procedures

AM07 - B: Airport Certification and safety - Aerodrome SMS
Get a thorough understanding and apply the fundamental concepts and principles of the safety management system in the airport context

Objectifs détaillés :

AM07- A: Airport Certification and safety – Aerodrome Manual

After completing this module, you will be able to :
- Explain the purpose and scope of the airport certification process, as well as the role of the stakeholders involved
- Define the successive steps of the airport certification process
- Explain the purpose and scope of the aerodrome manual
- Outline the basic data and the main features of airport operational safety to be found in an aerodrome manual
- Based on aerodrome operating procedures, pinpoint their risks, the modalities to conduct the related activities and the way to reflect them in the aerodrome manual:
- Draft and justify the structure and contents of an aerodrome operating procedure to be inserted in the aerodrome manual

AM07 - B: Airport Certification and safety - Aerodrome SMS
After completing this module, the student will be able to :

Explain the main concepts related to safety
Compare the SMS processes and procedures of an aerodrome operator against the requirements and/or best practices
Apply the risk management principes and criteria
Differentiate the successive stages of a safety-related occurrence scenario
Use safety-related data to appreciate safety performance
Categorise the safety-related topics of an aerodrome training programme

Volume horaire (h)

  • Cours Magistraux : 48.5h


Nombre total d'heures d’évaluation : 2

En bref

Crédits ECTS : Cf UE

Nombre d'heures 65.5


Vincent VIMARD

Tél :

Email : vincent.vimard @


  • Toulouse