SH6004E - Airport Crisis Management
Objectif général :
After completing this module, the student will be able to :
- Know how to react to a crisis linked to a major event involving stakeholders in the airport community ;
- Draw a communication strategy to be developed in the management of airport crisis.
Objectifs détaillés :
After completing this module, the student will be able to :
- describe the risk assessment system in airports ;
- describe how airlines deal with crisis at airports ;
- describe Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) organisations and explain the role of CDM in crisis management ;
- Identify major involved parties in crisis management and implement a crisis organization ;
- analyse and apply a Crisis Communication Plan
Place dans le cursus
After MSAM_OP605 “Airport operation and quality of service”
Volume horaire (h)
- Cours Magistraux : 17h
Nombre total d'heures d’évaluation : 2.5
En bref
Crédits ECTS : Cf UE
Nombre d'heures 19.5
- Toulouse