Mastère Spécialisé® Aviation Safety Aircraft Airworthiness

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Mastère Spécialisé® Aviation Safety Aircraft Airworthiness

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Résumé de la formation

  • Type de diplôme: Mastère Spécialisé®
  • Domaine: Sciences, Technologies, Santé



Airworthiness plays a pivotal role in aviation safety and development, guaranteeing that design, manufacture, operation and maintenance of aircraft, engines and systems are suitable for safe flight. It is supported by an overall process for which a solid regulatory and technical knowledge is necessary.

The Advanced Master ASAA provides the required high-level skills and competencies in the fields of airworthiness regulations, aircraft and systems design certification, continued airworthiness and operation. 
It has been designed to meet industry and authorities demand for airworthiness or certification engineers’ specific profiles.

For more information about "Advanced Master" delivered by ENAC, please click here

Et après

Insertion professionnelle

Professional prospects and career opportunities

The “Advanced Master” in Aviation Safety - Aircraft Airworthiness has been set up for students who are considering a career in the aircraft airworthiness sector. The opening-up of the European air transport market, development of the Asian market and ageing of the world airline fleet are all creating real job prospects. The concerns of manufacturers and operators regarding the risks of a disorderly development of air transport are stepping up the need for technical monitoring and quality control.

This Advanced Master offered by ENAC and ISAE takes advantage of the excellent relations both Universities have forged with leading companies in the aeronautical engineering sector, both in Europe and worldwide.


Lieu(x) de la formation

  • Toulouse


Responsable pédagogique
Jean-François PETIT

Tél : +33 5 62 17 45 35

Email : jean-francois.petit @

Responsable du recrutement

Tél : +33 5 62 17 43 73

Email : recrutement.masters @

Plus d'infos

Crédits ECTS 75 crédits

Durée 1 an

Niveau d'étude
Mastère Spécialisé®

Nature de la formation

Langue(s) d'enseignement Anglais

Début de la formation
30 septembre 2024

En savoir plus

ENAC Website

Établissement(s) partenaire(s)